
Here is stuff I have had for years – some info on Snell, Rappaport, Octave Research (original OR-1 design by Andy Rappaport)…. I deeply respect the technical questioning, capabilities and contributions of Peter Snell and Andy Rappaport. For example the AMP-1 Design Brief, written by Andy when he was just 20, is a great insight and challenge as to what might contribute to the different sound of transistor versus valve amplifiers – particularly their topologies and “euphonic” and “dissonant” distortions. Many people reported the AMP-1 was the most valve like sounding amplifier….

Snell A III Technical Brochure

Snell A3 Owners Manual

Snell EC2 Schematic

Snell EC2 Description

Snell EC2 Overview

Snell Type 1 Info

Snell General Owners Guide

Snell Product History

Snell E II Brochure

Snell J II Brochure

Rappaport AMP-1 Design Brief

Rappaport AMP-1 Schematic

Octave Research OR-1 Schematic