
2022 – present

Continuously worked on innovative projects – CMOS image sensors (enabling pervasive imaging in mobile phones, security cameras, vehicles etc.), embedded cameras in PDA’s, Digital Pens, Forensic Imaging, 3D scanners…The CMOS sensor innovation was ground-breaking as it demonstrated that low cost, high quality, integrated imaging sensor could be manufactured on a CMOS process and was the pre-cursor to widespread deployment of mobile/low cost imaging that we all use daily. 40 Patents granted (with a handfull still in the pipeline), conference/journal papers published etc. Dual role’d for the last 7 years both a technical lead and project manager.

Met Dan Chadwick via a mutual friend. Designed some novel solar harvesting circuits for some of his beautiful mobile sculptures and then worked with him to design and develop the Chadwick Pizza Oven. (This was done in spare time with approval from my day employer). We developed the tooling and production in the UK using methods from big iron press tools to 5 axis laser cutters.

Designed and produced a 3 motor HiFi turntable ‘The Voyd’ along with Guy Sergeant who was with the business for the first few years. Units were sold all across the world and are still sought after 40 years on… Also did design work for Audio Note UK – several valve amplifiers, innovative DAC (Patented), developed speaker production based on the original Peter Snell philosophy where the individual drive unit variations are corrected for in each crossover, IO Ltd power supply, original Quest/Conquest amplifiers, Turret Lug method for hardwired PCB’s etc.. Designed CD player/DAC for David Chessell (DAC – digital audio company). Designed the hardware for a novel (at the time) programmable ignition system for high rpm engines.

Smiths Industries
Series actuator design for flight control system for EH101/Merlin helicopter. The flight control system was a first for a helicopter. Also responsible for developing test patterns for two 5000 gate, gate arrays.